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Utilising Newsfeed Functionality in Eolas Medical Platform

Learn how to maximise the newsfeed functionality in the Eolas Medical platform. This guide covers creating news items, tracking user engagement, sending read reminders, and boosting open rates to improve communication efficiency.



The Eolas Medical platform offers a powerful newsfeed functionality that allows administrators to effectively communicate with team members. This feature ensures that important updates are disseminated quickly and that engagement can be tracked and improved. The following guide explains how to create news items, monitor engagement, and boost read rates using the newsfeed functionality.

Creating and Managing News Items

1. Creating a News Item

  • New News Item: Go to the newsfeed section and create a new news item.
  • Example: Enter the details of the news item, such as "Teaching room change," and specify the new location (e.g., "Now taking place in room 5").
  • Submit: Submit the news item, which will then appear on users' devices.

2. Tracking Engagement

  • View Engagement: Access the admin panel to view the percentage of users who have opened the news item and those who haven't.
  • Individual Tracking: Click on individual users to see who has read the post. You can search and filter users by those who have not read the news item.

Boosting Read Rates

1. Sending Read Reminders

  • Read Reminders: Send push notifications and read reminders to users who haven't read the news item.

2. Boosting Open Rates

  • Boost Open Rate: Use the "Boost Open Rate" button to send both a push notification and an email to all users with unread news items, encouraging them to read the content.


  • Generate Reports: Print reports on user engagement to analyse and improve communication strategies.


The Eolas Medical platform's newsfeed functionality is an essential tool for administrators to ensure effective communication within the team. By creating news items, tracking engagement, and using tools to boost read rates, administrators can enhance the visibility and impact of their messages.