Using the Shortcuts Feature

The Shortcuts feature lets admins create links to items across different sections, ensuring important content is accessible in multiple locations. Easily navigate, create shortcuts, and manage permissions to maintain a single source of truth.



Hello and welcome! This guide will take you through one of our newly added features, Shortcuts.

What are Shortcuts?

The Shortcuts feature allows you to create shortcuts to a single item in other sections of your app. For spaces using the Organisation or Hospital tab, you can create shortcuts within individual spaces to content in the Organisation tab. This helps maintain quality and a single source of truth for items that belong in multiple sections.

Why Use Shortcuts?

A good example of using shortcuts is a guideline that applies to multiple specialties. With shortcuts, admins can easily find relevant information across different sections, ensuring that critical content is accessible wherever it's needed.

How to Create a Shortcut

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the section where you want to create one or multiple shortcuts.

    • Example: Go to the hospital-wide guidelines, and select the "Trauma" section.
  2. Select one or multiple items.

    • Example: Choose the file you want to create a shortcut for.
  3. Create Shortcut:

    • If you are a read-only user, switch to the admin panel.
    • Go to Content Management.
    • Find your section (e.g., Trauma).
    • Click the three dots next to the item and select Create Shortcut.
    • For sections with more files, you can select multiple items or even select all and create shortcuts for them.
  4. Choose the Destination:

    • Decide whether you want to create a shortcut within a section of the Organisation tab or within a space or department.
    • Example: Add the shortcut to the "PIDs Guidelines" at the department level.
  5. Finalize the Shortcut:

    • After adding the shortcut, you will see an icon indicating that this item is a shortcut to a document elsewhere.

Important Considerations

  • Permissions: To create shortcuts from the Organisation to the space tab, you need to be an organisation-level admin.
  • Deleting Original Files: If you delete the original files, any shortcuts to them will result in broken links.


Hopefully, this guide makes the process of creating shortcuts simple enough. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know!