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  2. Moving from MicroGuide?

FAQs - MicroGuide to Eolas Transition - Practical Questions Answered

This article gives an overview of all the practical questions around the move of MicroGuide to Eolas Medical.


Will my content as a Microguide user be affected?

Your content will not be affected, we will seamlessly migrate all content directly to Eolas. You will still be able to publish content and the mobile app and viewer will be unaffected right up until your transition date.


Governance on Eolas Medical

Version History

Eolas Version History is launching next week, this will give admin users visibility on the entire history of a guide, who edited, previous versions and when this was edited.


Content Map

Also launching next week is the ability to export a full content map of what is on the platform, including creation and edit dates as well as exact file location. Enhancements on this feature will allow admin users to specify an exact date to query what exactly was on the platform at that date and team.

Admin Access

Admin access is tightly controlled and can be limited to exact areas of content, so only specific admins will be able to edit sections that they have the permission to edit.

Streamlining login and access

All mobile users will only have to login once. On the desktop there is an auto login token, meaning this can be used allowing users to not have to login on the desktop.

Sharing of Content

If other organisations are happy for content to be shared to streamline guideline creation and sharing of best practice knowledge, this can very easily be facilitated and Eolas can duplicate content to save having to create this from scratch.



How do we add content after the transition date?

Eolas Medical is mobile and browser based, on the web browser platform there is a full Content Management System that admins can use to add, edit, update and delete content as needed. Feel free to book a call above for a full demo or use these support articles to learn about this system. It has been designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind and is very easy to manage all content as well as manage users directly.

How do users transition?

We have made the transition from MicroGuide to Eolas for multiple sites already and this process is very smooth. All users of the mobile app will be automatically redirected from the MicroGuide app directly to their relevant guides on the Eolas Medical app, making this move simple and easy.

For the web viewer we will set up an automatic redirect from the MicroGuide web viewer to the Eolas Medical web viewer.

For the transition period we will also provide a poster that can be shared via email, WhatsApp or any other means allowing users to click one link and get immediate access. It will also have a QR code, allowing users to scan and get immediate access to the guides they need.

What will happen to support and training?

MicroGuide will remain fully supported, there will be a handover period lasting around 2 weeks as the transition happens.
Following this Eolas Medical will provide full and ongoing support and training, any issues or queries can be submitted directly to our support email which will be responded to within 8 hours - support@eolasmedical.com
We offer full training and demo calls at any time as well, these can be booked here
Eolas has 9 senior, dedicated full-time engineers that are able to develop additional functionality when needed to enhance the platform, within a few weeks for most features. In addition to this Eolas has 3 dedicated full time support staff to help with any questions and queries.

Will there be any changes to pricing?

There will be no increases to pricing and the Eolas Platform allows for unlimited spaces, departments, guides, content and users. This will allow for more wide spread adoption and utilisation. Our goal is to move towards reducing the price as more healthcare organisations content to signup and support the platform.


More information on Eolas

For a bit more background on Eolas Medical itself, if it is helpful. Eolas is led by 6 doctors and is used in over 300 sites across the world, mostly in the NHS including Great Ormond Street Hospital, Imperial Hospitals, Oxford Hospitals etc but also in other world leading centers including Stanford Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. The feedback from all other sites has been excellent, attached is a PDF of some of the testimonials we’ve received.

Eolas Medical Testimonials


Can we get in contact direct via email or MS Teams call?

Of course! Please book a call with us here for a full demo of the platform or get in touch via email directly here.