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Managing Users and Content in Eolas

Guide on accessing admin functions, switching spaces, and managing users and content in Eolas. Includes step-by-step instructions for mobile app and web application for efficient space and user management.




This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to access admin functionality, switch spaces, manage users, and handle content in Eolas.

Accessing Admin Functionality

Mobile App

  1. Manage Users:

    • Click on the icon at the top of the app.
    • Options available: Invite users, manage users, and approve or deny access requests.
    • These actions can be performed at any time within the mobile app.
  2. Manage Content:

    • Navigate to the admin panel within the app.
    • Choose between managing users or content.

Switching Spaces

  • Multiple Spaces:
    • Click on the icon at the top left of the mobile app screen.
    • A list of all active spaces will appear.
    • Select the desired space to manage users or content within that space.

Web Application

  1. Switching Spaces:
    • Click the "Switch Space" button.
    • You will be logged out of your current space.
    • Select the space you wish to manage from the list provided.


Switching between different spaces and managing users or content in Eolas is quick and easy, both on the mobile app and web application.

For any questions or further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for using Eolas!