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Linking Functionality in Eolas Medical Platform

The Eolas Medical platform enhances connectivity by allowing easy linking of guidelines to other resources. This article explains the simple steps to create internal and external links, improving resource accessibility and workflow efficiency


The Eolas Medical platform offers an intuitive linking functionality designed to enhance the accessibility and connectivity of resources within the platform. This feature allows users to link guidelines to other guidelines or learning resources, facilitating a more integrated and efficient workflow. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it simple for administrators to create these links, ensuring that important information is always just a click away.



Key Steps for Linking Resources

1. Accessing the Admin Panel

  • Navigation: Start by going to the admin panel and selecting content management.
  • Section Selection: Choose the section where you want to add the link. For example, select "guidelines" and navigate to the relevant subsection, such as "endocrinology."

2. Selecting the Document

  • Document Opening: Open the specific guideline document where you want to add the link, such as the Addisonian Crisis guideline.
  • Text Highlighting: Highlight the text within the document where you want the link to be placed.

3. Adding the Link

  • Link Button: Click on the link button that appears after highlighting the text.
  • Link Options: You have the option to add an external link or a link within the app.
    • External Link: Use this if the resource is on another website.
    • Internal Link: Browse or search within the app to find the relevant resource. For example, locate the Addisonian Crisis resource in the flashcard section.
  • Finalising Link: Click "link to file" and then "finish" to complete the process. The linked text will be underlined, indicating an active link.

4. Verifying the Link on Mobile

  • Mobile Access: Navigate to the guidelines section on the mobile app and open the document.
  • Link Testing: Click on the link to ensure it directs you to the correct resource within the app, confirming the link works seamlessly.

Benefits of Linking Functionality

  • Ease of Use: The process of linking resources is straightforward, requiring just a few clicks.
  • Enhanced Connectivity: Facilitates easy navigation between related documents and resources, improving access to information.
  • Consistency: Ensures that users can quickly find relevant information without leaving the app, promoting a cohesive learning experience.


The linking functionality of the Eolas Medical platform significantly enhances the user experience by making it easy to connect related resources. This feature supports better organization and quicker access to information, vital for medical education and clinical teams.