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How to Use the New Review Draft Feature?

The Review Draft Feature lets you update and review drafts of published items without affecting the live version. Collaborate, make changes, and publish when ready, while keeping the current version live.






The Review Draft Mode feature allows you to update and review draft versions of already published items without impacting the live version. This feature is perfect for documents that need updates involving multiple reviewers, as it enables you to keep the current version public while working on edits behind the scenes.

What is Review Draft Mode?

Review Draft Mode helps you start a review process for drafts of existing, published items. You can work on updates and collaborate with your team without affecting the current live version that users see.

How Does It Work?

Let's use an example to walk through the process. Imagine we have a published document, such as Guideline A, that needs updates. Updating this document may take several days and require multiple reviewers.

Previously, updating a document would overwrite the published version immediately. But with Draft Mode, you can make your updates and review them without publishing until you're ready. This keeps the live version unchanged while you work.

Steps to Use Draft Mode:

  1. Access the Admin Panel:

    • Go to the admin panel as you would when editing any of your existing items.
  2. Edit an Item:

    • Choose the item you want to update (e.g., "Test Item").
    • Click the three dots (⋮) next to the item and select "Edit".
  3. Make Changes:

    • Make your necessary changes to the document. Once done, click Next to summarize the changes.
  4. Save as Draft:

    • You will have two options:
      • Publish: This will make the changes visible to all users immediately.
      • Start Draft Mode: This will create a draft version for admins only. Select Start Draft Mode.

What Happens in Draft Mode?

Once you're in Draft Mode:

  • A parallel version of the document is created that only admins can see and collaborate on.
  • Users will still see the current published version, while admins can work on the draft.

How to Continue Working on a Draft:

  • To keep editing the draft, click on the three dots (⋮) next to the document and choose Edit Draft.
  • The changes you previously made will still be there, and you can continue updating the draft.

Publishing the Updated Version:

When you're ready to publish the final version:

  1. Click on the three dots (⋮) again.
  2. You can either:
    • Unpublish the current version first (optional).
    • Or directly Publish the new version, making it visible to all users.

Version History:

Once published, the old version will still be saved in Version History. You can always refer back to previous versions if needed.

Unpublish Option:

If you decide to unpublish an item, it will no longer be visible to users. You can still keep it as a draft and continue working on it behind the scenes.


We hope this new Review Draft Mode feature will make your document review and update processes much smoother. You can collaborate with your team, make edits, and publish when ready—all without disrupting the live version of the document.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback. Thank you for using this feature!